The project /
Who is involved?
The main target groups are educational communities, who are the main actors in the project. The educational communities include pupils, teachers and other members of the educational community (especially maintenance staff and centre users), and the families. Pupils are at the centre of the project because they are in charge of making direct actions in the school to improve energy efficiency and change behaviours on energy use. However, the role of the other members of the educational community is crucial to support and encourage pupils to move towards a more sustainable school and daily
habits. Overall, the actions undertaken in the school can even have a positive impact in the local community promoting more sustainable lifestyles as the pupils disseminate what they learn in the 50/50 project at home and elsewhere.
The success of the 50/50 concept would be difficult without the commitment and participation of key actors like the local policy makers and professional associations. In this way, councils as local governments and usually managers of education facilities, have an important role supporting the implementation of 50/50 and even sharing the energy savings achieved with the school. Experts in energy or educational issues share their knowledge and skills with the educational community to enhance the possibilities to successfully implement 50/50.
To promote the participation of all these stakeholders, the Euronet 50/50 will use different instruments such as the creation of Energy Teams that will lead the 50/50 implementation in the school, the signature of agreements with councils and schools, and the celebration of workshops with experts. Moreover, the 50/50 Network website will be a permanent space to share information and activities between the members.