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Get Inspired!

There are already schools and other educational centres that have implemented the 50/50 or similar approaches. Germany is the pioneer in this field with many schools involved in saving energy. Here you can find some links of best practices that can inspire you to follow the same path.


Hamburg (Germany)

HAMBURG (Germany)

The city of Hamburg was pioneer implementing the 50/50 scheme in 1994. Nowadays all the schools in Hamburg (around 470 in total) are involved in the fifty/fifty project.

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Berlin (Germany)

BERLÍN (Germany)

Since the school year 1996/1997 Berlin has widely implemented the 50/50 project in the schools of the city (around 220 schools are involved).

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Catalonia (Spain)


Implementation of 50/50 concept in high school: Institut Intermunicipal de St. Sadurní d'Anoia (Catalonia - Spain)

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