The project /
Euronet 50/50: what and why?
Euronet 50/50 started in May 2009 and will last three years. The project is supported by Intelligent Energy Europe and it has nine European partners involved, being Barcelona Provincial Council the coordinator of the action.
Euronet 50/50 aims to apply the 50/50 methodology to 50 educational centres during two years, creating a European network of schools in favour of saving energy and fight against climate change. Schools are the ideal place to promote energy sustainability, ensuring that future generations consume energy responsibly and influence their families at the same time.
Based on Germany's experience (50/50 concept was created in Hamburg in 1994) the 50/50 concept includes economic incentives for saving energy: 50% of savings achieved from the energy efficiency measures taken by the pupils and behaviour changes are returned by way of an economic transfer, while the other 50% will be a net saving on the bills for the body that pays them. The result is that everyone wins; the school improves its implementation possibilities, the authorities have less energy costs and society benefits due to the reduction in the environmental impact.
Education centres have a huge potential for saving energy and encourage more sustainable habits. Nevertheless, these buildings usually lack of a specific energy policy. Best practices such as the ones developed in German schools demonstrate the possibilities to improve energy efficiency at schools engaging pupils, the education community and facility managers in a common project towards a more sustainable use of energy.