Project implementation /

Developing energy audits

The educational community, and above all pupils, are the main actors in the project and they (especially the members of the energy team) will be responsible of knowing, monitoring and improving the energy consumptions at school. However, it is also important to have technical support to better understand the characteristics of the building that can have a positive or negative effect on the energy consumptions, as well as to rigorously know the potential and real energy uses or the possible savings and actions to take. These tasks require an expertise that can be found in the development of energy audits by expert teams. For that reason, the project plans to undertake an energy audit in each school involved at the beginning of the first year 50/50 implementation.

The results of the energy audits should help the energy team and the whole school to have a better knowledge of the energy use and facilitate improvements.


Contents of Energy Audits

The energy audits developed in the EURONET 50/50 project have some specific characteristics that make them different from a standard energy audit. Some of them are as follows:

  • They have to be technically rigorous but easily understandable for the...

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Project leader

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