Project implementation /

Communication and dissemination

The 50/50 idea can not be put into practice without the involvement and commitment of pupils, teachers and other stakeholders linked with the educational centres. To encourage and support their involvement it is necessary to keep stakeholders informed about issues related with the project such as how to take action or best practices on 50/50.

The aim is to spread the word about the philosophy and results of the project to the greatest number of actors who would be potentially interested: teachers associations, parents associations, energy managers, policy makers and the general public.

Different resources are used for communication and dissemination such as the media (mainly local press) and different kind of events. However, the Euronet 50/50 website is the most powerful tool of the project to share knowledge and practice on 50/50 issues, being a meeting point for educational centres around Europe involved in the 50/50 Network (


Project Leaflet

Here you can find the general leaflet ot the Euronet 50/50 project

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Project leader

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